Juno Snapshots

Service provided by BlueStake


To help validators to deploy or recover quickly, we provide daily archives of the Blockchain, from high-performance infrastructure:

juno-1-default-kv-2024-04-28.tar627.4 GBDownload


# Install dependencies if needed
sudo apt install curl tar jq aria2 -y

# Download snapshot
cd $HOME/.juno/
fileurl=$(curl https://juno.bluestake.net/snapshots.json | jq -r '.snapshots[0].url')
aria2c -x5 $fileurl

# Stop Juno Daemon if its running
systemctl stop junod.service

# Move or remove old data
mv $HOME/.juno/data $HOME/.juno/data.bak

# Extract snapshot to data dir
tar xf $(basename $fileurl)

# Start Juno Daemon
systemctl start junod.service